
Welcome to Home Study!
Recommendations for students to be successful:
- Log on to Zoom at the scheduled time to see live lessons and ask questions.
- Stay on top of assignments by being proactive!
- Utilize a calendar, planner, or digital reminders to schedule when to complete assignments so that you don't fall behind.
- Ask questions via Zoom, email, or Remind when you have them!
- Study in advance for quizzes and tests.
Recommendations for parents to help their children be successful:
- Check your child's grades weekly on Power School and have a discussion with him/her about grades
- Ask your child to log on to Google Classroom weekly to see what assignments and projects they are working on
- **Note: It is helpful to actually have children show you the work that they completed on Google Classroom, rather than just what the assignment is to prevent miscommunication
- Subscribe to our class blog via the school website
- Contact Mrs. Clark if you have questions or concerns