Mrs. Danylle Cook » Mrs. Cook

Mrs. Cook

Mrs. Cook
Crazy hair birthday friday
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I-Ready Login LogoThis week 8/19/24, we will begin our I-Ready Diagnostic testing for math and reading. Please make sure your students are well rested, have a healthy breakfast before school, and that they bring a snack for break time! We want them to take their time and try their best on these diagnostics as we can get a feel for the material that will help them throughout the year, so please discuss with them that taking it seriously is of the utmost importance, and I will stress that to them as well. Thank you, families!
NWEAThis week 9/3/24, we will begin our MAP State Testing in Math, Science, Language, and Reading. We will begin with math and reading this week and continue with language and science next week. Please make sure your students are well rested, have a healthy breakfast before school, and that they bring a snack for break time! Just as with the I-Ready testing, we want the students to take their time and try their best as we can gather a great deal of data to determine what material your student knows and what they need to be taught to prepare them for High School. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. Thank you, families!
S.C.O.R.E. Goal Conferences 
10/3 & 10/4
Use the link to sign up for your conference slot. 
Background image Mrs. Danylle  Cook`s profile picture
Mrs. Danylle Cook
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